It All Began with a Prayer… Whatever you need God's Got it!
When one begins to assess the growth of the ministry and gain some insight, you must first begin with the man or woman whose inspiration and dedication set forth the plan. Those persons are Pastor and Sis. Lynch. Elder Lynch was saved in Las Vegas, NV under the ministry of Elder Theodore Trent and was later called into the ministry and helped establish a church. Sis. Lynch was saved in Los Angeles, CA under the leadership of Elder Joseph Clark at the age of 13. She served in many capacities growing up in the church. Elder and Sis. Lynch has traveled throughout the United States preaching the “good news” of Jesus Christ. Many souls were saved and added to the Kingdom of God. They were members of the Bible Way C.O.G.I.C., under the leadership of Pastor Curtis Spears. Elder Lynch organized a Men’s Department. Outreach Program, Crusade, and Radio Broadcast. He also served as District Evangelist, Vice President of the South LA YPWW, and regional President of South LA Evangelist Dept. Sis. Lynch, as co-evangelist with her husband in his travels, ministered through Word and song.